Why Do So Many Over 40's Need Glasses?
It’s no secret that, as we age, many of us start to notice changes in our sight. For most of us, these changes start off small and you may first notice them when you’re reading, driving or on the computer. But don’t worry, this is completely normal.
As we age, our eyes ability to focus weakens. For this reason, it is important to have regular check-ups to ensure you eyes have the correct support.
Signs you need a Sight Test?
- You are holding reading materials out at arms length to see it clearly.
- You are having to take off your current prescription to ‘see clearer’.
- You struggle to see words clearly in dim lighting.
- Frequent headaches, caused by eye strain, is another key symptom to look out for as you may not initially notice any sight differences.
Reading with a difference
Normal reading glasses allow you to read words clearly, however, if you need to look up to speak to someone, you will notice your world becomes blurry.
ZEISS Office lenses are designed to keep you in focus. So when you’re working from your laptop and look up to speak to someone, your sight remains clear. Sounds like such a small thing, yet it makes such a huge difference to your every day life.
Ask a member of our team about these lenses and see the difference for yourself.